Mathilda update

Time for another Mathilda update. Have the past couple months been kind or are we still in development hell?

Well soon after my last update, Hector showed up again. He had a pretty good excuse for his disappearance and knowing I’d never be able to find someone with his experience and expertise (willing to work for nothing up front), I gave him another shot. He sounded excited about the project. We talked about our plans. He was due to send in a poster for me to send on to Steven, our colourist.

But the deadline passed. His last email was a couple days later. It said the poster would be sent very soon. Thats the last I heard from him. About 6 weeks ago.

So screw that. Even if he comes back with another excuse…the ship has sailed. And sunk.

Right now I’m working with Steven to see if we can come up with a visual style that works. I have no idea when I’ll be able to show you guys something but I’m gonna try to have a teaser poster ready by the end of the year. No promises though.

But there is some good news. You might remember that I planned to have 3 EXTRA np.comics bundled with each Mathilda chapter. Well Matt is almost done with the last of those first 3. And since Mathilda is still a ways off being ready, I thought it’d be silly to sit on these strips for months.

Even better news is that you won’t have to pay for them. At least not this first bunch. But we will be putting up a little paypal donation button for those of you who are well off and appreciative. If it goes well, maybe Mathilda can also be free?

So next week is comic week. We’ll post the first strip on monday, the second on wednesday and the third on friday.

I personally think they are some of the best strips we’ve done so I look forward to seeing what you guys think.

Before I go, one bit of ridiculous news from Jason.

V for Vendetta 2!!!
