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Nothing better than a few tidbits to start the weekend…

-Elle Malaysia has an article on Dior Love Chain, A initiative by the House of Dior and Natalie. The Dior Love Chain calls upon people all across the globe to share what they would do for love. For every shared answer, USD$1 will be donated to WE Charity, organisation that has Natalie as one of its ambassadors, and helps impoverished families around the world. The article also has a great photo of Natalie taken during the Dior event in Paris last month:

-Natalie has a brief appearance in this book trailer. This is a funny video to promote the upcoming book “Things You Should Already Know About Dating, You F***ing Idiot”, written by Parks and Recreation alum Ben Schwartz and TV writer Laura Moses. Along with Natalie, artists like Lin-Manuel Miranda, J.J. Abrams or Don Cheadle appear in it:

More after the jump…


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It’s the middle of August, and almost a month has passed since Natalie’s last public appearance. While we wait for the summer to end, here we have a few tidbits.

-The new Miss Dior perfume & campaign can be found in stores since yesterday. Pending the launch of the new promotional video, here is a beautiful, enlarged image of one of the ads. Once again, thanks to Eden for the find:


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