“i’m not even supposed to be here”

hello all, i’m FliPP. i’ve been an off-and-on member of np.com for a long time and with JC’s death i mean, “departure” *eyes DAZZA suspiciously*, i’ve been godfatherIII-ized. you can e-mail me wif n00s and the like (i especially like Natalie news that really has nothing to do with Natalie) but unless you’re Mikoyan Foxhound, NO WALLPAPERS PLEASE. do you want to know my interests and aspirations? of course you don’t. so, on to the news.

Steven sent us this bit from “Thirty-fourth Street Magazine, the Arts and Entertainment Weekly from The Daily Pennsylvanian.” (… note to T-FSM,TAAEWFTDP: choose a shorter name.) Their live theatre writer drops Her name in a preview of the show “What I Like About Jew.”

The WB is airing a new show (of course it’s new — they all get canceled in six months) starring Jennie Garth and Amanda Bynes, called What I Like About You. As much as I’d like the show at Doc Watson’s Pub to be a Jewish spin-off starring Natalie Portman and Winona Ryder (yes, even Winona is Jewish), I don’t think my wildest fantasy will come true. Nonetheless, this night of four hilarious and satirical songwriters is sure to tickle your fancy. Just cross your fingers and hope that Queen Amidala attends.

The latest editorial has been updated with some of your “Most Memorable Moment” feedback. Am i allowed give you feedback on your feedback? it’s only fair.

Praise Google: vcarolan found this neat site about crappy celebrity tippers. Scroll down a bit and you can read some old-ish rumours about her romantic life at Harvard. Sadly, that’s not the only credit Natalie has at Bitter Waitress. !!! I must question this listing tho. I bet She didn’t even pick up that cheque. It was a party of two… mebbe She was out with the dude from the other link, “young Web Developer from Texas.” that cheap fuck.

there’s a new np.comic strip up. Could this be any more topical? …

complementing the comic, thanks to Ekyillia for finding these new pics of Natalie at the Kids for Kids Karnival (KKK, for short):

natalie wanting to swear
wanting to swear some more
i disagree wif DAZZA. i likes the dress. the hat, my friend? she’s-a gotta go
omg. kill it!


ew. i’m gonna take a shower now.