“State of the Site”-address

So Pher with the long time serving Hal has had enough of hosting NP.com. Pher because of general life-changing stuff and Hal because we suck so much power it can’t keep up. So that’s why we’re gonna go off and rent a dedicated server with all the bandwidth we need, and 50% more (2 Terabytes/month)!
A server which only mission in this time continuum it will be to serve you – the Natalie Portman fan community. I know, it should be gold plated but since you’ll never see it, what does it matter? And best of all – it’s got a Web-enabled emergency reboot button – so even when Pher is giving his wife a ride only Disneyland can rival, the site will still be up.

Anyway, the way the deal looks right now we’re gonna get a dedicated server with all the bandwidth for a small $120 month. That isn’t much for what we’re getting, but it’s more than we can afford for any extended amount of time.
So the decision has been made to join some Ad-program. Don’t worry, we’re not gonna have big annoying flashing banners or popups or god forbid – spam. But until that gets going and starts generating some cash flow, we’re gonna need your help. Yes, you!
When we’ve gotten the final ok to go ahead with everything we’ll be starting a PayPal drive! For those of you who never heard of it – it’s the best and most convenient way of sending money through the internet. We just wanna give the heads up because it may take a few days to set up at first because of their anti-fraud system!

So stay tuned for a Call To Wallets.
Now go watch those beautiful new pictures of Natalie in the interview interview. By the way, where is the actual interview?

And remember – playing the lottery is a great way of raising funds!