First things first…
I’ve gotten so many emails about Natalie’s ‘Kerry Me’ top from the Daily Show (she did look gorgeous but damn, those earrings have got to go), asking where to get it. I’m afraid that I’ve got no idea but if someone knows…E ME.
Melody has updated the rumoured projects page so be sure to check that out.
There are a couple Closer links. The first is a general preview for the film, courtesy of JC. The second is a ‘review’ of the trailer, and it’s not too pretty.
We finally got the Time Out New York interview. Thanks to Mart for the transcription and keep an eye on the updated articles section cos he’s been adding a number of things.
Garden State exapanded to 35 theatres on the weekend and did very well. It’s just short of the 1 million mark and will be expanding further this weekend. To keep up to date with how it’s doing, this is the page to bookmark.
On the subject of Garden State, this site has some related giveaways and an interview.
Cute little blurb here. Scroll down to “Boobs for Bush”. Thanks to toucan.
I know a number of you stay up nights wondering what Nat would look like if she were bald. Well wonder no more. Thanks to Mark.
UPDATE – Above link now fixed
Mario writes his own comic and Natalie was a big inspiration for it, as you can see over here.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if it’s shitty like this blurb about Nat’s fashion sense. Thanks to Steve.
I think that’s about it…