I was considering not updating again. You know, spread out the wealth a bit. But with all this great V news I’m on a bit of a Nat high, so let’s ride it out.
There’s another (what can be considered) full review for V on AICN. Like the others, it’s wildly positive. In fact it might be the most positive review all year. It’s also pretty much spoiler free so click the quote below to give it a read.
V For Vendetta is an instant classic ? a work of true genius.
There is a RUMOUR floating around that Nat is going to be involved with a Wes Anderson (Royal Tennenbaums, Rushmore) short film before she begins work on Wonder Emporium. Not sure how true that is but I would kill, literally kill someone, to see her in Wes Anderson’s crazy world.
And now, how about a new poll.
And here are the disturbing results of the last poll.
That Weekly Standard article made me…
Shoot a sheep 35.78% (293 votes)
Think 23.93% (196 votes)
Angry 18.93% (155 votes)
Happy 11.11% (91 votes)
Sad 7.57% (62 votes)
That article resulted in the death of 293 sheep. I’m sorry my kiwi friends.