summer of love


Maverick sent me an email about ET having mentioned Nat and Jake Gyllenhaal being seen together. But now Marie has found evidence of the fact. Does this mean anything? Who knows. They were spotted together 4 years ago (Such cute pics) and that didn’t seem to pan out to anything. Whatever the state of their relationship, they seem happy and that’s nice to see.


Celiana just sent in some hi res pics from their meeting. Love that last pic.


Sonoyta found some more casting news for Blueberry Nights. It seems Ed Harris and Kevin Spacey might be on board as well.

Nel found an interesting Nat blurb in a book. Here’s the scoop:

Natalie was referenced in an actual piece of literature, Party Princess, the latest installment of Meg Cabot’s best-selling young adult series The Princess Diaries, as one of the top ten women “too pretty to live” (or “Women Who Are Too Beautiful to Live and Should Be Sent Away to Live With One Another on a Deserted Island So The Rest of Us Can Stop Feeling So Inadequate”) among other Hollywood beauties such as Nicole Kidman, Angeline Jolie, Keira Knightley, Jessica Alba and more. The excerpt:

“6) Natalie Portman. I guess you WOULD need to cast someone really beautiful to play Princess Leia’s mother. Still. Did they HAVE to cast someone so impossibly beautiful that she even makes those horrible lines in Attack of the Clones –
the part where Amidala and Anakin are rolling down that hill with the stupid cow things – sound smart? Sure, Natalie’s tried to redeem herself playing indie roles that don’t require vinyl bodysuits. But it doesn’t matter how many colors you dye your hair, Ms. Portman. We still think you’re too pretty to live.”
~ Party Princess, Meg Cabot

Jose does comic strips and his most recent one involves someone we might all recognize. Be warned, its a bit naughty. Its in Spanish so here’s a rough translation. I’m sure a bit gets lost in translation but hey, Nat’s in a shower and thats good enough for me.

Hello I am Natalie Portman and I am going to take a shower.

What are you doing?

The new strip.

Remind me that I never let you do more strips



Honey found a youtube montage of Nat clips, which is quite fun.

And finally, some fanart.

Dante sent in two variations of a wallpaper. Click here and here.

And Craig came up with this while checking the symmetry of Nat’s face.
