I think most people would agree that Natalie’s look, at last nights US Open final, was really cute. Her look the previous night is a lot more debatable so that’s what I want to ask in our new poll:
As for the last poll, a big 50% slice of you are even more excited about Eve now that you know more about it. Here are those full results:
Now that we’ve seen and know a bit more about Eve, have your expectations changed?
I was looking forward to it and now I’m REALLY looking forward to it. 50% (72 votes)
I’m still undecided. Call me Switzerland. 27.78% (40 votes)
I wasn’t looking forward to it and nothing has changed my mind. 8.33% (12 votes)
I wasn’t looking forward to it but praise the lord, I’m a believer! 8.33% (12 votes)
I was looking forward to it but I’ve lost that loving feeling. 4.17% (6 votes)