Turkish Delight

A Turkish filmmaker (sadly not the fantastic director of Three Monkeys, Nuri Bilge Ceylan) called Zeki Demirkubuz had a REALLY complimentary comment about Natalie in this interview.

I intend to carry this business all the way to the point of well-made Hollywood films. In terms of style and form, cinema for me is embodied in those well-made Hollywood films. Those incredible bits of acting, from Al Pacino, from Jack Nicholson, from Natalie Portman. These are films which don’t enter into aesthete tricks or try to fool people with numbers. I don’t know whether or not I can carry it off, but one day I would like to see my own cinematic work and all of its own issues that it deals with encompass that same sense of believability you encounter in well-made Hollywood films

Wow, I have no idea what he’s on about 😀