Your Highness Reviews

Strap yourselves in because this is going to be a bumpy ride.

The Playlist were big fans and gave the film a B+ rating.

Portman is rather wickedly funny by just playing things seriously straight and it’s amusing to see two Academy Award nominees (Franco and Portman, who is actually a winner) relishing the excuse to play in such a wantonly absurd film.

Totalfilm put up a mixed 3 star review.

Where Your Highness scores is in the casting. Portman kicks butt as Isabel, a deadly archer they meet along the way; Franco is fab as the stupidly brave sibling and Theroux (the cuckolded director in Mulholland Drive) outshines them all behind his ghastly prosthetic teeth.

Marshall Fine was definitely not a fan.

McBride’s shtick is getting old – made older still by the fact that, while McBride understands the attitude, his writing is never all that funny.

Caryn James feels the same way.

”Your Highness is so chaotic it sometimes loses sight of its mockery and raunchiness altogether and threatens to become a Disney action movie.

The Associated Press goes for the jugular.

Portman plays the stoic hero with blandness reminiscent of her “Star Wars” days, and Franco shows about as much verve as he did as co-host of the Academy Awards.

– But the biggest pan is courtesy of Jeff Wells.

I’m not exaggerating in calling this a landmark in the annals of crapitude and dick jokes and the fine corporate art of farting in the audience’s face. It’s easily one of the worst films I’ve ever seen in my life. But I stayed to the end! And I’m almost proud of this because everything in my mind was saying “go…escape…free yourself!”

Here’s hoping things improve :-/