Natalie Not In Avengers?

Today Online has a new interview with Natalie in promotion of Thor. In the interview she talks about her admiration of Branagh, how Hemsworth is the most perfect man to walk the earth, and how she is NOT doing The Avengers.

I’m not in The Avengers, but I’m signed up for the next two (Thor) sequels if they are made. I think these inter-related Marvel movies are great fun. The Avengers will be like Ocean’s Eleven with the superhero all-stars!

A few days ago I gave my reasons for why I thought the recent confirmation from Hemsworth that Natalie would be in the film, was wrong. I stick by them, but this Today Online piece doesn’t strike me as being that strong a piece of evidence. There are some really out of date facts in the piece and Natalie’s rehab quote came out months ago.

I think it’s more likely that this interview was done months ago, so those who feel Natalie joining The Avengers was a new development, I wouldn’t say this would debunk that opinion. But personally, I’m still quite convinced she won’t be in the film.