New Poll + Thor Planning Results

The new poll is inspired by the update just below this one. The suggestion for a different ending to Thor. This is obviously for those of you who have seen the film, but there are no spoilers in the poll and I have included an option for those who haven’t seen it yet.

The “how should Thor have ended” poll

The planning to see Thor poll was quite positive with a 3rd of the voters already checking out the film. However, a few people aren’t buying this God of Thunder BS and have no plans to ever see the film. Full results are after the jump.

When are you planning to watch Thor?

I’ve already seen it – 32.6% (62 votes)

No rush but do plan to see it in theatres – 23.7% (45 votes)

This weekend – 22.1% (42 votes)

I’ll wait for DVD/TV – 13.7% (26 votes)

I have no plans to watch it – 7.9% (15 votes)