Michael Bay

Who Wouldn’t Natalie Work With

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In thinking of possible poll topics, I hit upon one that required a bit of an explanation. I was wondering which directors Natalie would never work with, or work with again. The candidates who, if I saw Natalie was linked to one of their films, I would be shocked. Obviously one could pick from the very bottom of the barrel, but I’ve tried to come up with names that have a solid reason behind them.

This is just my opinion and I look forward to hearing yours in the comments below. A poll will follow with my choices as well as any inspired picks from you guys.

1 – Milos Forman

Natalie worked with the great director on Goya’s Ghosts and, what seemed like a dream collaboration, turned out to be a disaster. The film was hugely unsuccessful, a shock since Milos has several masterpieces on his filmography, but more than that there were clearly some clashes either during or after filming. Natalie did not attend the film’s premiere with Milos confirming that it wasn’t a scheduling issue. Then we began to hear that they had clashed regarding nudity in the film, apparently Milos pushing the boundary beyond what was agreed. Natalie confirms it at the 2:45 mark of this video.


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