Big news

Hey all

Seems that Leon 2 is very much on the cards and The Superman rumour has at least some amount of truth to it. Take it away Nat…

there’s been these absurd rumours lately about Jet Li doing the ‘Leon” sequel with Luc Beeson.

I don’t think so! Natalie Portman – blabing about star wars naturally – told “People” mag what the real deal is.

“When Episode 3 finishes? I don’t know. To tell you the truth, I’d like to just relax for a while. Kick back with some friends. If anything, it might be something with Luc Besson, a follow-up to a film I did when I was younger called Leon. The script’s really great, and near worth delaying a vacation for. The only problem would be that I would have to hit the gym again – and at the moment I can’t even envision tying my own laces up”.

She also commented on the “Superman” rumours, saying “No more than a rumor at this stage. But who wouldn’t want to play Lois Lane”?

Head over here for the full AICN article.
