tv appearances


I’ve got some writing work to catch up on so this is going to be brief.

You can now order the Leon 10th anniversary DVD from the merchandise page. Something I sure wouldn’t mind getting if it ever appears down here. It’ll be interesting to hear what Nat thinks of it looking back.

A final letter has been added to the last editorial. I think I have a pretty good idea for a new editorial, which I might try and get out before the obvious editorial on the horizon…Closer thoughts.

And finally, Dave Poland might not have loved Closer but he’s still pretty confident about Natalie chances. She’s still in the top slot of his Oscar predictions and the comment is now…“The “next superstar” finally is growing up and teases us with a glimpse of her potential future.

Sorry…AGAIN…for not having the Actors Studio clip. It’s on the way, just damn slowly.

And don’t forget that she’s on Letterman TONIGHT and the Today Show TOMORROW MORNING.
