This is a full course meal of an update so loosen those pants and away we go.
Lets begin with the next deleted scene preview from DVD Cyber Center. This is Seeds of Rebellion – Padme’s Apartment.
On the Star Wars theme, you guys wanted it so here it is. A new banner that will be added to the rotation. Thanks again to Caleb.
Since the new feature has launched I guess its time to post the results of the poll…
Question: I wish the new site feature would be…
The ability to chat with Nat while lying next to her in bed. 43.44% (308 votes)
The ability to chat with Nat online. 27.93% (198 votes)
Some silly thing from Sanjiro. 13.54% (96 votes)
Live updates from Dazza via webcam. 7.76% (55 votes)
The ability to chat with Nat on the phone. 6.91% (49 votes)
Well I guess 96 of you are happy.
And here is the new poll on the Glamour Mag appearance.
Dawine found a bunch of nice new old Nat pics from the Closer Press Conference gallery.
One….. Two
Three….. Four
Five….. Six
Seven….. Eight
Nat Empire has some new pics from Free Zone and Hi Res versions of those scary Goya pics.
First off, the HUGE Free Zone snaps.
Chilling 1
Chilling 2
Chilling 3
Chilling 4
And now the HUGELY freaky Goya set pics. Once again, beware spoilers.
Bleh in widescreen
This one isn’t actually too bad
You guys still with me? We’re almost there!
News tidbits –
Stefano has news that Natalie is one of Daniel (Harry Pottter himself) Radcliffe’s favourite actresses. Source.
Awhile back we mentioned a film about a Nat fan trying to meet up with Natalie. Well the film is now on sale, just know that (as far as I can tell, its a mockumentary) and Nat isn’t in it. You can check out the trailer here and order the film.
JC found a couple reviews of Free Zone:
Natalie Portman really is too good-looking for words; as if to try to both raise that issue and solve it straight from the beginning, Amos Gitai opens Free Zone on a ten-minute close-up of the actress’ face. Had he tried to frame her head on, it would have been overkill; nor would it have worked had the scene required her to really say anything, because as soon as that squaky voice comes out, it’s all over. Instead, Gitai films her from the side, her profile taking up just one third of the screen, the rain-streaked taxi window she looks out of filling the rest of the space. The only action that takes place on screen, for a ten full minutes, takes place on Natalie Portman’s face, as it produces tears and absorbs them, recovers a bit and then starts again.
The most controversial of the four is undoubtedly Free Zone. Forget everything you might have heard about the tzuris unleashed when actress Natalie Portman was seen kissing co-star Aki Avni at the Western Wall; “Free Zone” is a very serious film, both well made and exceptionally thought-provoking.
Bottom Line: Portman spends the first nine minutes of “Free Zone” crying in a car. Literally. Nine minutes of crying. It never picks up much steam from there.
OMG, that took forever.