Bon Voyage Dazza!

So, the time has come for the Pasha and Sanjiro era to begin. I’m not going to lie to you, it’s not going to be pretty.

So, without further ado, let’s begin.

Firstly, has put up 11 clips from “Goya’s Ghosts” in English so anyone who doesn’t mind spoilers should head here and have a look.

The second bit of news we have comes via Jenski and is not only cute, but also confirms that Natalie is in fact in Rwanda with Jack Hanna. As part of her conservation efforts there, she got to NAME A BABY GORILLA! I have never been more jealous of her as I am in this very moment. I mean, forget all the money, the parties, the free stuff, the clothes, the cars, the real estate, the beautiful men – playing with baby gorillas!! That is just one celebrity perk too far if you ask me!

Let’s move on before I do something drastic. Maria Cruz sent in a little tidbit wherein Shia LaBeouf confesses his crush on Natalie. You can see it here.

While we’re on the topic of other celebrities gushing over Natalie, Jason King sent in this article in which Javier Bardem speaks in a very flattering way about Natalie. It involves a donkey so you might want to check that link out.

And finally, ending back on “Goya’s Ghosts,” a great deal of reviews have been recently released and unfortunately, they’re not very good. It is currently 19% fresh over at rottentomatoes (which you can see here) or you can peruse some of these reviews that Lilouminaii was nice enough to send in.

The Telegraph

“…Portman shines in the early sections, before bad make-up and hair take their toll.”


The Guardian

The Times Online

Time Out

“Among other things, Forman’s picture may go down in history as the first film in which the extraordinarily gifted Portman has given a bad performance, a combined result of a lousy dialogue and misguided direction.” (Apparently, Emmanuel Levy has never heard of the Star Wars franchise??)


“…Portman does well (dodgy old age make-up aside), essentially playing three roles.”

“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition, least of all Natalie Portman…”

Phew. *tags Sanjiro as he dodges desperately out of the way* That means you’re it Sanjiro.