Okay, this is going to be epic. Strap yourselves in.
Natalie is in the new Parade Magazine with a lovely photo shoot (more on that in a bit) as well as an article written by herself. Click here to read “What I’ve learned (so far)”.
Now, the most eye catching section is about this scene that Natalie regretted. A lot of sites ran with the idea that it was Hotel Chevalier but straight away I was doubtful. Just yesterday I read this:
Portman, who requested director Mike Nichols to cut the nudity from “Closer” and used a body double for “Goya’s Ghosts’, said that she felt it was right to do bare scenes in the latest film.
“I don’t know why, exactly. Sometimes you make rules for yourself and sometimes those rules are made to be broken. You have to test things out and see what works for you, and this felt right,” the Hollywood Reporter quoted her, as saying.
The Academy-award nominated star also said that she urged director Wes Anderson to give her a chance to work with him.
“I begged Wes to work with me and show me a script. I really loved it. He has the finest taste possible,” she said.
So this news just didn’t jive. I was thinking of making a poll to see what you all feel but it seems there’s no need. Fanatical610 found a retraction from Parade in which Natalie confirms how proud of Hotel Chevalier she is and clarifies that the film in question was Goya’s Ghosts. Click here to read that.
As I mentioned earlier, the article also comes with a new photo shoot. Click the image below to go to the gallery if you haven’t seen them already. The first 4 are okay-ish but the second 4 are YOW!

You still with me? Good, cos there’s a long way to go yet.
Natalie has made an album! Well, sorta. She’s put together an album called Big Change: Songs for FINCA featuring acts like Antony and the Johnsons (Yes!), Norah Jones (Okay), Beirut (HELL YES) and The Shins (Cool). If you head over here you can find out more about it (can’t seem to find it on iTunes so maybe its not out yet) and read a fascinating interview with Natalie where she talks about her favourite music (Radiohead, Sufjan and Jeff Buckley? *collapses*), almost recording vocals with Beirut and a brief mention about her preparation for Brothers.
There is so much awesome information in that interview I want to do cartwheels while throwing up. But we’ve got a lot more to get through so on with the show.
So far we’ve had photo shoots and writing articles and even making albums. But we haven’t had editing Maths Magazine for kids…until now. Click the photo for the full scoop.

Yesterday Natalie made another surprise (to us at least) university visit. This time it was her old stomping ground – Harvard. You can read about that visit over here.
We also have similar articles for NYU and Columbia.
I think that’s enough for 3 updates. I know I promised a new poll but I’m going to hold that off one more day.
A collective thanks to Pasha, Sonoyta, Marina, Just Jared, Andrea, Maggie, Fanatical610 and especially Natalie for giving us such much to enjoy.
Don’t forget, tomorrow we can see Nat and Jack Hanna shoot gorillas!
Shoot FILM of gorillas!