With the Magorium premiere pics at the top of the page I was going to wait till the morning for an update but things are piling up so, here we are.
First up, Natalie will be returning to TRL this Wednesday and if she wears something as cool as she did last time, we’re in for a treat. Thanks to Fanatical for that find and for…
…Variety’s Magorium mixed review. Natalie is “waif-like and winsome”…well duh.
LA.com has a really nice article/interview about Nat and Magorium with some new quotes. Thanks to Hass.
We have a few gallery updates today:
Unscripted with Hugo gallery now with HQ.
Spring Awakening gallery now with untagged, new and bigger!
CMJ Party gallery now with bigger pics.
Finally, Pasha discovered that Natalie’s Magorium premiere dress was designed by the Olsen twins. If you have the figure you can also buy the dress over here. And then take a photo…and send it to me…for…science…and stuff.
Tomorrow I’ll be back with more and a new poll. Also, thanks to Sanji for the fitting send off for Charlie.