I’ve been crazy busy this week but I think normality has just about resumed. So lets get to it shall we.
There have been some great interviews recently (InStyle, Observer) and while the following aren’t as good as those there are some really nice quotes in all of them.
– Nat puts a dagger in the heart of The Professional 2 at MTV.
– Natalie loves up on Australia (clearly she’s never heard of Clone)
Thanks to Maggie and Fanatical.
Jen has been cleaning up the new Vogue scans so check out the newer versions in the gallery.
It’s a really fascinating set of photos and once again I want to know…
Here are the results of the last poll:
What do you think of the new Boleyn poster?
If Nat was in the middle it would be perfect. 40.09% (174 votes)
Its better than the last one but that isn’t saying much. 19.12% (83 votes)
Its better than the last one. 17.28% (75 votes)
Great. Love it. 17.28% (75 votes)
Terrible. 5.53% (24 votes)
I think it says a lot when Jen is able to throw together a poster using the few stills that exist and its, in my opinion, miles better than what the professionals could muster.

Just the one new image today – Pasha found a small image from the InStyle shoot.
And finally, The Natalie Portman Story has been updated. A big thanks to Jutze as always.