Its evolution, baby

This is the first post in a brand new update system that Kris has setup for the site. The biggest change is that instead of one large update most days, each item worthy of a mention on the site will get its own update with its own comments section.

The other big change is that to view the rest of the update, you’ll have to click on “read more”.

So what does this mean? Well it means that news will be posted as soon as I get it, instead of holding off on news till I have enough for a big update. It’ll also allow for more varied updates and a bit more personality and commentary about what is being posted.

We’ve also created three categories for updates – Natalie news, Site news and Opinions. To the right of an update title you will see a symbol telling you which category that update falls under, which means that if you are only interested in Natalie news then it’ll be easy to skim the main page and pick out the updates relevant to you.

Currently we’re using temporary icons to represent the categories. They are:

Site = monitor
Nat = newspaper
Opinion = speech bubble

If you would like a shot at making custom icons to replace those generic ones, fire me a mail.

There are two other smaller changes. A thanks/credit section at the bottom of every update and at the bottom of the main page, links to the previous pages of news.

I think this has been a long time coming and while it’ll be strange changing the way I update, after all these years, I think its going to be a lot of fun.

Comments and suggestions are most welcome as its still a bit rough and can be polished with some help from you guys.

We’re now going to focus more on the graphical/layout update of the site so stay tuned for that.