
A new batch of mini updates for your mini pleasure.

– Natalie sword fighting teacher on Your Highness speaks fondly about training Natalie, with a certain someone stealing the show.

“Natalie has the greatest little dog in the world, and he’s such a bundle of energy,” Danner said. “There were times when if we were training, he might run through every once in a while and bark or just look so adorably cute. And watching her go from this super awesome warrior princess to this loving mom of this little puppy was just such a great split. That made me giggle a little bit.”

I didn’t know fighting instructors giggled, but there you have it.

– I’m sure you remember that Natalie’s dad, a fertility doctor, had penned a novel called Misconception. The work of fiction, no doubt inspired by his years of work as a doctor, sounds really out there. Like Cronenberg mixed with Almodovar. Yahoo has gotten a look at the novel and talks about the more bizarre story threads, from micropenises to stolen embryo’s.

– Benjamin has been nominated by the Fred and Adele Astaire Awards, for his Black Swan choreography.