What Natalie Portman Said About Moby in 2000

The “he said, she said” situation that has arisen from Moby’s passages about dating Natalie Portman in his new book appears to be calming down thanks to Moby’s recent apology on Instagram.

“I also fully recognize that it was truly inconsiderate of me to not let her know about her inclusion in the book beforehand, and equally inconsiderate for me to not fully respect her reaction.”

Earlier this month Natalie revealed to Harper’s Bazaar that she was less than thrilled with Moby’s account of the story. Saying:

“I was surprised to hear that he characterized the very short time that I knew him as dating because my recollection is a much older man being creepy with me when I just had graduated high school.”

To underscore the point even further, Sanjiro found an interview from 2000 where Natalie already pours cold water on the dating aspect of their relationship. But certainly indicates that they shared a strong connection.

An exception is techno darling and fellow animal lover Moby, whom Natalie met backstage at a gig in Austin, Texas. “I loved his album so much and I told him so,” she says. “It’s funny because he told me later that he didn’t recognize me, he just thought I was cute. When I left, we exchanged fax numbers and faxed five-page letters every day for two or three weeks. Then we changed to e-mail. We hardly ever see each other, but we communicate a lot.” 

I mention that in a recent interview, Moby hinted at a romance between them. “He did? No, he didn’t.” She lays down her spoon in shock. “We’re going to have a talk, then,” she says in her best school-marm voice, “because that’s not ture. Not at all.” She resumes knocking back dessert, and in tones as dreamy as her caramel cake adds, “I love Moby, but it’s more intense than a romance. It’s a really good friendship. A soul connection.” 

She collapses into giggles as she confides, “He brags to me all the time. He rings up and says, ‘My record’s number one in England. I beat Santana.'” 

Do they compare notes on worldwide fame? “He likes it a lot more than I do, because he was a dork at school and he’s getting back at everyone now, which is a different kind of motivation.”

Hopefully that’s the end of that.