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Interview with Alice

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In lieu of actual news, I decided to interview Alice the bot. Below is the resulting conversation:

Human: Hello Alice
ALICE: Hi there!
Human: I thought I could interview you for my site.
ALICE: I am sure you could.
Human: Awesome.
ALICE: I’m glad you liked it unknown person.
Human: Uh, we haven’t started yet.
ALICE: That’s cool.
Human: So, do you know Natalie Portman?
ALICE: Tell me more. I don’t know if I know it. Where would I have heard about it?
Human: She’s an actress.
ALICE: an actress is she?
Human: Yes.
ALICE: How can I help you?
Human: I wanted your opinion on Natalie and her films.
ALICE: But not anymore?
Human: Well you don’t know her, which makes things difficult.

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Through different eyes

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I came away thinking of Justin Chadwick’s The Other Boleyn Girl, which came out earlier this year. That film was not exactly a masterpiece, but it knew its material well enough to know that the way modern audiences could relate to these people was to amp up the soap opera aspect of it. That film winds up being delightful in a guilty-pleasure kind of way and the actors and filmmakers all seem in on the joke; they saw the difficulty in making that story work as a straight drama, so they vamped it up.

That is taken from Noah Forrest’s latest article about period films.

The Other Boleyn Girl strikes me as a film that ‘feels’ worse than it actually is. What I mean is that I’ve spoken to quite a few Natalie fans who have seen the film and most quite enjoyed it but talk about the film a few weeks later and its gone from mixed-positive to mixed-negative or even outright negative.

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