Jackie Tidbits

Before the end of the year, here are a few more tidbits about Pablo Larraín’s film…

-First of all, Here we have a long interview with Natalie for “Happy Sad Confused” MTV podcast, in which she tells about the movie, her career… and she also finally answers the million-dollar question: Which Star Wars film will she show her children first?

The Wrap has another interesting interview with Natalie on portraying the iconic First Lady.

-Sebastián Sepúlveda, the film editor, relates in this great article the challenge of assembling Jackie‘s many layers.

-Renowned writer Joyce Carol Oates praised in her twitter account the awards-bound Pablo Larraín drama for its ability to reflect painful realities about the contemporary political landscape. Entertainment Weekly has an article about it.

-Finally, a new still of Natalie, from the oficial instagram of the movie: