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We haven't done one of these for a really long time, partly because they always came hand in hand with our comics. The comic strip is, unfortunately, dead and very…

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New Poll + Malick Results

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With the big Star Wars news this week, I thought it would be worth putting together a poll. There’s a slight Natalie spin on it, nudging the poll into on topic territory.

The Star Wars 7 poll

Now for the results of our Malick follow up poll. You guys were more interested in Untitled than you were the other Malick-Natalie film, Knight Of Cups. So we wanted to know why?

The overwhelming reason, with almost half the votes, was that Natalie looks like she has a bigger part in Untitled. To see how the other answers panned out, hit the jump for the full results.

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It's time for another round of mini updates. Have at it. - A little known actor tweeted that he was going to be shooting with Natalie for Malick. Could this…

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