Goya trailer in Spain

Hi again

Just got this big news from Iker:

I only wanted to let you know that Goya’s Ghosts trailer is already in theathers all over Spain. Dubbed into Spanish, as usual here.

I have no idea before what films is screened, but it would probably be before any Warner film. In my particular case, I saw it when I went to see Lady in the Water, which opened today in Spain. I imagine that lots of people from here will tell you, or they already told you, the same.

The Spanish title will be Los Fantasmas de Goya, what means exactly the same thing as in English.

There are several scenes with Natalie in the trailer, as well as a few Goya’s paintings with her actual face on them.

It looks really promising.

The thing that might be holding up the US trailer is an actual release date, which I’m sure they’d want to appear at the end of the trailer.