La Cock


Got a bit of time so I thought I’d clean out the inbox.

Johan did some digging and came up with an estimate of when we can see Natalie in The Simpsons.

the news about Natalie “appearing” as a guest star in the simpsons is from july but it didn’t say about the air date. Today i checked some sites through google and found the wikipedia entry of the episode, named “Little Big Girl”. It will be the 12th episode of the current season (the 18th). The 2nd episode was aired last saturday so we know we should see the episode in about 10 weeks… Last year the 12th episode was aired in the end of february, we can estimate a similar date in 2007.

Boleyn Girl will be filming in Lacock Abbey over the next couple weeks. Click here to read what the residents think about this. Thanks to Marina.

EW wants to know which cover pic should be the readers choice for their photo issue. The Natalie cover certainly stands out, dontcha think? Thanks to m5lover.

We’ve updated the poll with a question inspired by the comments section.

And here are the results of the previous poll:

What do you expect this week to give Nat fans?

A Goyas Ghosts trailer 36% (252 votes)

Another public appearance 26.86% (188 votes)

Not a bloody thing 26.71% (187 votes)

A Mathilda artist unveiling 5.57% (39 votes)

A Sanjiro/Omar column 4.57% (32 votes)

Not a bloody thing!

Finally, a bit of fanart.

Gersom sent in this piece of fanart.

And Michael sent in this Goya fanart.

Lastly, 88 sent in this wallaper…although I’m not sure what was done to the image. If anything.
