Giving Tuesday is celebrated today. This special day, which takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, has become an important part of different charity organizations, including WE Charity. As is well known, Natalie has supported this organization for many years. She returned to WE Charity’s Kisaruni All Girls Schools recently to visit with empowered female Kenyan students. In this article, she talks about her commitment to this initiative.

“Investing in a girl and giving her access to education is the fastest way to transform a community,” she tells Good Housekeeping. “This is my second time in Kenya with WE Charity and I was so proud and inspired by the bright minds I got to spend time with at Kisaruni All Girls Secondary School.
“The focus, determination, and passion every girl there has to reach their goals is remarkable. They’re creating the future they want for themselves and will inspire the next generation to do the same.”