new clip

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Hey all Just a quickie tonight. Ekyillia has a short little clip of Nat singing Nicole Kidman's praises at the Cinematheque award. You can download it here. And has…

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like OMG

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FliPP: I am totally in love with this girl. She's like the best thing to ever happen to me since that last girl i was totally in love with. it's…

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'ello Bit of a quiet Nat day so I'm gonna take this oppertunity to do some site stuff. Tomorrow I'll post some fanart, the new comic and hopefully there will…

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round the table

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Evening Gonna be a short update tonight cos I'm not in the mood and neither of my underlings are online. The server was down this morning because of the VH1…

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teen vogue

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It just never ends... Mellow has sent in a nice scan from the new Teen Vogue of Natalie looking more than a little like our own Melody Nelson. I'd say…

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VH1 clip!

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Hey all Seems we've got a lot of extra visitors because of AICN's link...nice to see nipples bringing people together. Kicking things off with some great news...John came through for…

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