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A little bit of this. A little bit of that.

– Starting with the treasure hunt for Natalie’s Japanese talk show appearance. We got several responses saying that the show is called The King’s Brunch, but so far no video :-/

– Next up, Natalie was spotted and photographed in San Francisco yesterday (warning, clicking the thumb will reveal Aleph quietly judging you). This shouldn’t be news because I should have posted the initial sightings here and here, but I had internet problems on the weekend and it totally slipped my mind when the net came back on Sunday. Apologies! Thanks to Kitten for the finds.


– Head over here for a concept art poster for Thor: The Dark World. Or is it Thor 2: The Dark World? I’m gonna drop the 2, if you don’t know it’s the sequel to Thor by now, you are lost in life. Lost I say!

Thanks to Edenliao and Kitten.