Womens Day

Those of you who do attend the ‘A Powerful Noise’ event tonight, please email me your experiences. If you don’t want them shared on the site, just mention that in the letter.

I couldn’t be further away from a participating theatre, so I can only imagine what attending the event would be like…

16:04 – Dazza calls Rachel and asks if she would like to go on a date. She says “I would love to.”

16:05 – Rachel explains that she was answering a hypothetical question and that if Dazza was specifically asking her out on the date, the answer would be “I would not love to.”

16:06 – Dazza complains about sliced onions and hangs up.

16:10 – Dazza calls Rachel again and tells her that she will have to attend A Powerful Noise with Dazza…for work, of course.

16:11 – Rachel reluctantly agrees but warns that it is not a date. Dazza doesn’t here the last bit as he’s power sliding down the hallway.

18:01 – Dazza picks up Rachel. Rachel objects and insists she can walk to the car herself.

18:20 – Dazza asks for two tickets to Watchmen. Rachel reminds him why they are there.

18:28 – With a mouth full of popcorn, Dazza asks Rachel if she thinks its appropriate to be eating popcorn while watching a serious documentary.

18:29 – Rachel says its okay, as long as Dazza stops throwing popcorn into the air and trying to catch it in his mouth.

18:30 – The film starts.

18:31 – Dazza looks at his watch.

18:55 – Dazza puts his left hand on Rachel’s leg.

18:56 – Dazza realizes Rachel is sitting to his right. Woman on the left does not look pleased.

19:45 – Dazza is moved to tears by the film but has pulled out an onion, knife and chopping board as a cover story.

19:46 – Rachel also cries. One isn’t sure if is the film or the onion slicing.

20:00 – The panel discussion begins.

20:10 – Madeleine Albright takes the first question. She is asked, “As economic and business frameworks generally favoured men, women often suffered a double blow, since their employment opportunities could be curtailed when they had to care for their children and take on family responsibilities. What steps can be taken, particularly in the developing world, to alleviate this unfair burden?”

20:11 – Dazza nods knowingly.

20:15 – Natalie gets her first question. She is asked, “How difficult was it to perform under all those crazy clothes and make up in Star Wars.”

20:16 – Dazza nods knowingly.

20:18 – Dazza asks Rachel, “Shouldn’t someone called Albright look a bit more cheerful?”

20:19 – Rachel gets up and moves to a free seat several rows back.

21:05 – Applause wakes Dazza up.

21:15 – The deathly silence of the car ride is interrupted when Dazza tells Rachel how much he learned that night.

21:16 – Rachel looks momentarily attentive and even moved.

21:18 – Dazza concludes, “Which is why I think its great that a women, such as yourself, can sleep with a man, such as myself, and not only do so without feeling guilt but can even be empowered by it.”

21:19 – Not getting the positive response he was hoping for, Dazza concludes the smart play will be to drop the topic. Not known for his smarts, Dazza mumbles out a desperate, “Would you like a good empowering tonight?”

21:20 – Rachel asks to be let out “here”. “Here” being the middle lane of the highway. She walks home.

23:35 – Upon arriving home, Rachel checks her mail and sees an email from Dazza – “Dear Rach. Thanks for an amazing night. Can you do the update, as I’m a bit sleepy? Thanks.”

Something like that at least.

In all seriousness, happy Women’s Day to all the ladies out there. We’ve come a long way but have a long way to go yet.