
Before I fall asleep at the keyboard, I have a new batch of mini news items. Don’t know about you guys but I am more than ready for that Thor promotional push. It’s been too damn long.

The Telegraph has a new interview with Benjamin and, when asked about his new family, dropped a couple really sweet quotes. Thanks to Belerofonte.

“My wife has a down-to-earth relationship with her fame. She’s very normal, abnormal only because she is so extraordinary in the way she deals with everything. It was the best way for me, to have someone to accompany me on that journey. I don’t feel any different than I did before. I had a period of adjustment that had to do with the exposure, but I learnt to deal with it.”

“There was no ‘hesitance’ on Portman’s part, he says, when he was offered the Paris Opera Ballet directorship. ‘She’s always loved Paris. It’s one of the cities she knew she could live in. We love Europe and we’re happy to have this opportunity to live there and for our son to grow up in that environment.”

– Next up we have the Jane Foster action figure from Comic Con. Although it kinda looks like Sandra Bullock… Thanks to Angelina for the find.

– Nope, still going on about this band 😛