All The News

a juicy update

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Hola As most of you predicted... If you had to put your money on it, is Natalie going to receive an Academy nomination? Yes 88.99% (687 votes) No 9.97% (77…

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new pics

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Hiya I was beginning to think we wouldn't get those Evening Standard pics but Roger F is here to save the day. Click here and here. I'm going to go…

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Hiya Tomorrow is the big day. In the morning the Academy nominations will be announced. You've got to think Natalie has a good shot at a nomination but it wouldn't…

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shaturday shtuff

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Hi Just a small update tonight. The Vancouver film critics announced their winners today. Natalie was the 3rd best supporting actress for Closer AND Garden State. You can see the…

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Morning It's about time I catch up on all the fanart from the last week. Enjoy. Gregg sent in a GG themed wallpaper to go with the new banner. Click…

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