Former Presidential Candidate Is Butthurt

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I sat on this news item today, hoping something more positive would come along so I could put off having to wrap my head around this bullshit. But here we are.

Former Republican presidential candidate, and probably future candidate as well, Mike Huckabee went on radio and…well get a load of this.

“People see a Natalie Portman who boasts, ‘We’re not married but we’re having these children and they’re doing just fine,” Huckabee told radio host Michael Medved on his show Monday. “I think it gives a distorted image. It’s unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out-of- wedlock children.”


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New Poll + Oscar Results

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Saturday and Sunday were big nights for Natalie with two Best Actress wins. The new poll is for those of you who are into what Natalie wears to these big events. So…

Which was better – her Oscar look or the Indie Spirit look?

As for Monday’s poll, the results were predictably enthusiastic, even though the slightly less happy option took the top spot. Hit the jump to check out the full results.


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