General opinions of our editors and authors.


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The winner of the last np.comic draw, Martina, was like our first winner Jason. She had a general idea for a suggestion, but wasn’t about to lay out a script to follow. I tried to come up with something to fit her suggestion but I couldn’t come up with anything that really interested me.

As desperation set in, I threw that plan out the door and came up with something a bit off the beaten path. Matt’s been working on it and hopefully it’ll be ready within the next few days.

As for the next fan comic draw, we have some more names to add to the hat. Matthias was kind enough to throw us $5, so his name goes in once, while Shaun really showed some love with a $50 donation. That means his name goes into the hat 10 times! (more…)

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My Poll Idea

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At the conclusion of the pic battle, I mentioned that I had a silly idea for something to fill the void until we can do the next pic battle. Unfortunately (for us at least), Kris is busy building a house for his new family. So he doesn’t have time for anything but the most urgent matters. I think he’s moving in pretty soon and as soon as he’s settled down on his nice new couch, I’m gonna dump a ton of stuff on his lap.

But I thought I could at least mention my idea in the mean time.

As I said, this is incredibly lame… (more…)

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Best Of The 64 – Dazza’s List

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I suggested to Rachel that we do our own personal top 10 lists, featuring appearances from the public pic battle that ran for 8 months. Rachel’s went up yesterday. Mine is after the jump. And I thought its only fair for you guys to be able to do your own lists, so I’ve created a thread over here. Whether it gets used or not, that’s entirely up to you.

Before I start my list, check out this cool graphic that Rachel put together. It has all of the 64 appearances, including the late comer Oscar appearance.

Ok, so here we go… (more…)

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Best of the 64

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The Brothers trailer is finally out, but news is still scanty at best, so it’s time for opinion pieces. The people have already spoken, but this weekend Dazza and I will be selecting our top 10 favorites out of the 64 red carpet appearances nominated for the pic battle. Here’s my personal favorites, in order of appearance (too indecisive to actually do any ranking):


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Okay, this has less than nothing to do with Natalie, but FOX just aired a new pilot called Virtuality. Its a sci-fi show from Ron Moore (Battlestar Galactica, Carnivale) and…

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Cap in hand time.

The Amazon purchases have been almost non existent this month, donations have been barely okay and traffic is down because its been a quiet news month.

So if you’re in a position to help, please please PLEASE do so.

Its been awhile since I’ve felt the urge to punt anything but this is a no brainer. Eastbound and Down season 1 is now out and if you want to hook into Danny Mcbride’s comedic stylings, before Your Highness hits, this show is a great place to start.


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